Getting ready for a busy summer.
Supper at the Zobrist's
You can't quit until the gravels gone.
Cleaning the lights and setting up to hang fans.
Taking a break.
The breakfast crew.
It was a great week and we really appreciated the teams hard work and dedication. It is really neat to see how a group of Bible Class kids can pull together and really get some work done. Every group we have comments on how it has really strengthened their relationships with their class mates, their teachers and their God. The Phoenix Team left on Friday and our nephew Austin arrived Friday night.
Kevin came to visit from down the street. He just couldn't resist two cute little girls in the front yard.
We spent Tuesday afternoon hiking in the mountains behind CVE. It was a perfect day for a hike with some clouds and even a few sprinkles which kept things cool.
With the beginning of June we started counting the days to Caleb and Liv's wedding. Kali and Zach will be flying out of Phoenix on June 17th and our niece Jerica will be flying in the same day. Jerica will be staying with us until we leave on June 23rd to drive back to Illinois. After the wedding Susie and I will be flying to Morelia, Mexico for a few weeks of language training and Kali will be returning to Magdalena. Zach and Nate will be staying in Illinois, Zach for Drivers Education and Nate for the Swim Team. Susie and I will be returning to Illinois on July 15th until Zach finishes his classes. Then it is back to Magdalena for Bible School starting the beginning of August. The summer is going to just fly by with such a busy schedule so don't hold our breath between blogs.
The Team from Belvidere arrives this Saturday and Indianapolis will be coming after them. The summer staff has been arriving over the past few weeks and are gearing up for the summer activities while the kids are out of school. Although the school system can't seem to come up with a date for the last day. Please remember the children and staff here at CVE in your prayers as well as those who attend our Church here in Magdalena. We pray that everyone has a safe and happy summer.
La Familia Zobrist